I really suck at posting blogs or keeping up with SG in general lately. I'm sorry. I don't hate you all, I promise. I'm just trying to stay on top of other things as well. SO, update time.
Oriana now has a tooth and another on the way. She's been a little cranky monster who doesn't want to sleep for a week now since the tooth first cut. She's also started cruising with furniture a bit and pushes Finn's ride on toys around while walking behind them... though she won't use the actual walker. Whatever works, baby girl.
She also destroyed my Droid and I had to have a replacement sent because they didn't have any in stock at the store. Then the same day I got my replacement phone, Finn pushed the laptop over onto the floor and bent the charger port (again!), but at least it still charges for now. Oh yeah.. Right before my phone broke, I got a Trojan virus on the laptop and cleaned that up some only to have it creep back and force us to do a full re-install. Ugh. Good news, I have a phone and a working laptop. And I haven't killed any children.
In other news, Finn is going to Grandma's on Thursday and staying until Easter when we all go to Brett's Great Aunt's for Easter dinner. I hope he has fun. I'll be busy getting everything ready for my craft fair while he's away. Hopefully Oriana takes good naps so I can get a lot done. I have a lot of packaging and more products to get done.
GIBrett is doing great in his new position, though he still works long hours and I miss him while he's gone. He tries to get in some time with the kids when he's home, though and it's much appreciated. Finn is no longer a total Mama's boy. He now asks for "Daddy" when he's gone and gets upset when we can't reach him on the phone. It's cute and makes my heart all warm and fuzzy to know that Brett has made such an impact on him. If only we could get him to listen once in a while.
Uhmm.. let's see. I think that's it for now. <3 SGland.
Oriana now has a tooth and another on the way. She's been a little cranky monster who doesn't want to sleep for a week now since the tooth first cut. She's also started cruising with furniture a bit and pushes Finn's ride on toys around while walking behind them... though she won't use the actual walker. Whatever works, baby girl.
She also destroyed my Droid and I had to have a replacement sent because they didn't have any in stock at the store. Then the same day I got my replacement phone, Finn pushed the laptop over onto the floor and bent the charger port (again!), but at least it still charges for now. Oh yeah.. Right before my phone broke, I got a Trojan virus on the laptop and cleaned that up some only to have it creep back and force us to do a full re-install. Ugh. Good news, I have a phone and a working laptop. And I haven't killed any children.

In other news, Finn is going to Grandma's on Thursday and staying until Easter when we all go to Brett's Great Aunt's for Easter dinner. I hope he has fun. I'll be busy getting everything ready for my craft fair while he's away. Hopefully Oriana takes good naps so I can get a lot done. I have a lot of packaging and more products to get done.
GIBrett is doing great in his new position, though he still works long hours and I miss him while he's gone. He tries to get in some time with the kids when he's home, though and it's much appreciated. Finn is no longer a total Mama's boy. He now asks for "Daddy" when he's gone and gets upset when we can't reach him on the phone. It's cute and makes my heart all warm and fuzzy to know that Brett has made such an impact on him. If only we could get him to listen once in a while.

Uhmm.. let's see. I think that's it for now. <3 SGland.
that's really a cute blog 

Sounds like good problems to have compared to a year or two ago!