Newest soap on the curing rack: Coffee Scrub
Brett asked me to make a highly exfoliating soap like a mechanic's soap. I opted to do a coffee soap with coffee grounds so it can also be used in the kitchen or for gardeners and it will practically eat away at odors while moisturizing and exfoliating.
4 weeks before we can use it.
Brett asked me to make a highly exfoliating soap like a mechanic's soap. I opted to do a coffee soap with coffee grounds so it can also be used in the kitchen or for gardeners and it will practically eat away at odors while moisturizing and exfoliating.
4 weeks before we can use it.
Here from another blog. Soap using coffee grounds sounds very interesting. Is it being scented by the coffee alone?
That is cool. Worked for Revlon too many years ago to admit. I knew different oils and extracts were used for scents and certain oils as a "carrier" to desolve or loosen oil based contaminates. Makes sense to use the actual grounds as an exfoliator. Thank you for the information.