So I'm finally legally divorced, not without a ton of drama and hassle this morning. I needed a back-up to watch the one child in my care other than Finn while I attended court this morning. They had childcare, but I really couldn't bring this other child with me, as Brett's truck has no back seats and it's already a hassle trying to get Finn in there with his carseat. Unfortunately, khoos is pretty ill with a stomach virus and called at midnight when she was on the way to the hospital to regain fluids. Thankfully she's doing a little better now, but I frantically called and texted everyone I could think of in search of another back-up on such short notice.
No one was awake, let alone available. I texted the child's mother and let her know I was having a dilemma and asked if she could bring him by a little earlier in case I had to bring him with me. I got no response and tried calling in the morning to confirm that she at least got my message. She was able to bring him a few minutes early and really that had to be enough because I had to be at court in 15 minutes (courthouse is 10 mins away). We figured that I can squeeze behind the seats and crouch down to fit and both Finn's car seat and the other boy's booster seat would go in the front, just to get us there. We had to take the bus and walk back.
So, I get to the courthouse with minutes to race around the building trying to find the room I needed only to find out that the childcare center was on a different floor and halfway across the place again. I was 15 minutes late by the time I got back up to the room, but thankfully the judge was running late. By 10:15 I was divorced and running down to get the boys....we then sat out on a bench so they could eat a snack and headed out in search of the bus stop we needed....there was no bus stop where I was told. I had to call NJ Transit and find out another we continued waking (all the while I am CARRYING Finn because the stroller would be even more cumbersome to deal with having two children and trying to get on and off of a bus) until we found it. It was FREEZING in Hackensack, so I sat with Finn cuddled in my lap on the bench, bounding him to keep him happy and the other child ate a little more snack. The bus finally came and within 5 minutes both boys fell I had to hope the other boy would wake up enough to get off the bus and walk back to the house (a few blocks) because I know how difficult it is to wake him up. I'm so glad he woke up easily.
So here we are, back in the house, older boy is napping and Finn is trying to grab the macbook from his newly divorced mommy. My arms are KILLING me
No one was awake, let alone available. I texted the child's mother and let her know I was having a dilemma and asked if she could bring him by a little earlier in case I had to bring him with me. I got no response and tried calling in the morning to confirm that she at least got my message. She was able to bring him a few minutes early and really that had to be enough because I had to be at court in 15 minutes (courthouse is 10 mins away). We figured that I can squeeze behind the seats and crouch down to fit and both Finn's car seat and the other boy's booster seat would go in the front, just to get us there. We had to take the bus and walk back.
So, I get to the courthouse with minutes to race around the building trying to find the room I needed only to find out that the childcare center was on a different floor and halfway across the place again. I was 15 minutes late by the time I got back up to the room, but thankfully the judge was running late. By 10:15 I was divorced and running down to get the boys....we then sat out on a bench so they could eat a snack and headed out in search of the bus stop we needed....there was no bus stop where I was told. I had to call NJ Transit and find out another we continued waking (all the while I am CARRYING Finn because the stroller would be even more cumbersome to deal with having two children and trying to get on and off of a bus) until we found it. It was FREEZING in Hackensack, so I sat with Finn cuddled in my lap on the bench, bounding him to keep him happy and the other child ate a little more snack. The bus finally came and within 5 minutes both boys fell I had to hope the other boy would wake up enough to get off the bus and walk back to the house (a few blocks) because I know how difficult it is to wake him up. I'm so glad he woke up easily.
So here we are, back in the house, older boy is napping and Finn is trying to grab the macbook from his newly divorced mommy. My arms are KILLING me
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands! 

aw ok