ok.. so finn just deleted a really long blog just as i was ending it..
so let's try this again ::::crossing fingers and trying to type at the same time::::
brett and i have been working a lot lately and so of course our sg/chat time has been cut dramatically. i haven't been on for days now and a while before the one night prior. but all this work is paying off.
we looked at an apartment in maywood on saturday and kept our fingers crossed that we would get it because the rent was amazingly cheap (2 bedrooms for $900 with ALL utilities included and a washer/dryer in the apt)!! the lady was asking for 1.5 months security and we had 0 of that to offer, aside from the first month's rent. we asked if we could stretch the payment of that over a couple months.. she called mydogfarted on tuesday (after waiting 3 agonizing days) and brett rushed over to give her december's rent to hold the place as soon as he got the call back. WE HAVE AN APARTMENT!!!!!!!!
i'm so happy that finn will have his own room and it's so much closer to my job, but still gives me the opportunity to work on getting children to come to me instead of me splitting half of the pay for all of the work (but i plan on staying with this place for a few more months so i can use them as a reference). we'll be moving over the course of a few days/weeks since we both work so much, but there's really no hurry..aside from the fact that we've paid for the month already. it would be nice to have finn's first christmas in our own place, though.
khoos and mydogfarted have been SO great to us. without them and the chatters that helped previously, i don't know where finn and i would be. i'd just like to give you guys my deepest thanks again. we would NOT be where we are without you all. and you are ALL welcome to come over whenever you want (just don't wake the baby cause he's hard enough to get to sleep
) but really, thank you. thank you. thank you. from the bottom of my heart.
so let's try this again ::::crossing fingers and trying to type at the same time::::
brett and i have been working a lot lately and so of course our sg/chat time has been cut dramatically. i haven't been on for days now and a while before the one night prior. but all this work is paying off.
we looked at an apartment in maywood on saturday and kept our fingers crossed that we would get it because the rent was amazingly cheap (2 bedrooms for $900 with ALL utilities included and a washer/dryer in the apt)!! the lady was asking for 1.5 months security and we had 0 of that to offer, aside from the first month's rent. we asked if we could stretch the payment of that over a couple months.. she called mydogfarted on tuesday (after waiting 3 agonizing days) and brett rushed over to give her december's rent to hold the place as soon as he got the call back. WE HAVE AN APARTMENT!!!!!!!!
i'm so happy that finn will have his own room and it's so much closer to my job, but still gives me the opportunity to work on getting children to come to me instead of me splitting half of the pay for all of the work (but i plan on staying with this place for a few more months so i can use them as a reference). we'll be moving over the course of a few days/weeks since we both work so much, but there's really no hurry..aside from the fact that we've paid for the month already. it would be nice to have finn's first christmas in our own place, though.
khoos and mydogfarted have been SO great to us. without them and the chatters that helped previously, i don't know where finn and i would be. i'd just like to give you guys my deepest thanks again. we would NOT be where we are without you all. and you are ALL welcome to come over whenever you want (just don't wake the baby cause he's hard enough to get to sleep

Hooray!!!! I'm so happy for all 3 of you!

that is awesomesauce!