I'm home for about ten minutes right now to grab clothes and things because I'll be spending the next 2 to 3 days in the pediatrics unit of Holy Cross hospital in Silver Spring, MD with Finn. He got severely dehydrated because he wasn't nursing enough and they're running some tests and waiting for culture results. I'll be nursing in the hospital and pumping to supplement what he doesn't get from me directly. I'll talk to you all when I can, but for now you can text me for the number to the hospital if you want since I didn't bring it with me right now.
here's my cell for those that don't know it 201-693-2797. you can text and i'll give you the number to the room in the hospital if you want to talk. i need to get back now.
here's my cell for those that don't know it 201-693-2797. you can text and i'll give you the number to the room in the hospital if you want to talk. i need to get back now.
for you and finneas

Indeed. I am getting busy again.