Ive got to get into some kind of regular sleep cycle this going to bed when the sun comes up is killing me
Well i knew it wouldnt work out.......shot down by church girls dad. I mean WTF she is 20 and cant decide who she wants to go out with
i doubt i'd corrupt her that much in the course of dinner
fuck it. im thinking about taking my vacation soon most likely when my boss gets back from his. i want to go to longview but i still have to talk to karen to see if she'll let me stay there. i should get some sleep

fuck it. im thinking about taking my vacation soon most likely when my boss gets back from his. i want to go to longview but i still have to talk to karen to see if she'll let me stay there. i should get some sleep

The only times i really go out are for dates, and i'm partial to the whole dinner and a movie thing, so sadly, I'm easily the least cool guy to ask about where to hang out in the pdx.
I used to have to there all the time when I worked for HP and it is a nightmare.