....woe is me sara's cute friend's mom seems to think that am too old for her (she turns 18 in december) this sucks why is it i have so many hot girl friends that say im cool/cute/whatever but i cant seen to find a gf who wont rip my heart out and then laugh about it with their friends
i guess its just my family curse.....im not gonna give up but im getting kinda discouraged
oh well i thinking about finding a sg group meeting dragging Ian along and taking my weeks vacation and get the hell out of this town mabey ill go to canada and propose to noelle
Ha ha he he hmmm.....well probally not but it always an option

if it's any consolation, i had a HUGE crush on you when you first started at Godfather's. and i started getting really jealous for some reason when i hired becky and sara and you weren't paying as much attention to me anymore. damn me anyway for hiring cute highschool girls. and if i weren't, like, married. i'd totally date you. you're one of my favorite people.
it seems really stupid that you can't go out with Brandy cuz her MOM thinks your'e too old. she's not that much younger than you. stupid mom.