My brother moved to San Diego 3 1/2 years ago. He recently decided to move back, and got in Friday night. Man, we've been having a blast. Good times. We both got gym memberships last night (I cancelled my old one back in December and haven't gone since), so that'll be good. We're gonna' go every day when I get home from work. Man, I've been itching to start working out again...I can't wait.
Speaking of can't wait, I'm getting a 2005 Civic Si, as seen here:
The problem is, I want a white one, and apparently they don't make too many white ones. So I have to put a $500 deposit on it and wait FOUR F'N MONTHS while they ship it from the factory. Part of me is annoyed that I have to wait a third of a year to get a brand new Honda from the Honda dealership. After all, the car only comes in four hard can it be to track one down? On the other hand, in the end I'll get the exact car I want and be in vehicular heaven for years to come. And yeah, I'll have to drive The Ultimate Shitbox for a while longer, but it'll make it that much sweeter when my new ride gets in. Boo yah.
Alright, off to the gym. When we get back I'm sure I'm gonna' get high, take a shower, and hang out. Eventful night, I know.
Speaking of can't wait, I'm getting a 2005 Civic Si, as seen here:

The problem is, I want a white one, and apparently they don't make too many white ones. So I have to put a $500 deposit on it and wait FOUR F'N MONTHS while they ship it from the factory. Part of me is annoyed that I have to wait a third of a year to get a brand new Honda from the Honda dealership. After all, the car only comes in four hard can it be to track one down? On the other hand, in the end I'll get the exact car I want and be in vehicular heaven for years to come. And yeah, I'll have to drive The Ultimate Shitbox for a while longer, but it'll make it that much sweeter when my new ride gets in. Boo yah.

Alright, off to the gym. When we get back I'm sure I'm gonna' get high, take a shower, and hang out. Eventful night, I know.

Lets take care of that! You should IM me somtime.

i'ma hanging!