I just got my eyebrows waxed and not only did it set me back $10, and make me feel like I was just whacked with a 2x4 across the upper region of my face...SHE FUCKED UP.
One of my eyebrows is now shorter than the other!
I am not the type of person to tell a hairdresser nor an eyebrow..."technician" that they did a shitty job.
Like when they ask "How does it look? You like it?" I (as well as you I'm sure) simply reply "Yes, it looks great. Thank you." But yet you cannot wait to get into your car and try to counsel yourself and regain composure before you get home.
Oh well I guess. It's just a damn eyebrow
Thank you for reading my rant
p.s. I am shooting my new set tomorrow night
One of my eyebrows is now shorter than the other!
I am not the type of person to tell a hairdresser nor an eyebrow..."technician" that they did a shitty job.
Like when they ask "How does it look? You like it?" I (as well as you I'm sure) simply reply "Yes, it looks great. Thank you." But yet you cannot wait to get into your car and try to counsel yourself and regain composure before you get home.
Oh well I guess. It's just a damn eyebrow

Thank you for reading my rant

p.s. I am shooting my new set tomorrow night

Luckily my best friend at the time was a huge bitch and went in (while I sat on the floor outside CRYING) and demanded that they gave me my money back. (Because yes, they had the nerve to CHARGE me!)
It'll grow back...until then, brow pencil it baby! I hope your shoot goes well! Good luck on the set!