New Journal Entry?, i guess its been awhile... sort of bored. watching 6 ft under on dvd.
My bestest lost her bf to meth. tough times. its unfucking believable that some can change so much over night, just off some drugs.
So these days i spend my time as a legal assistant. its fun sometimes, i get to evict ppl. and its sooo funny (im cold hearted) the ppl freak out and start calling the firm, pleading for help. idiots.
i want a new car, but there isnt really nothing out there too hot. i really like the 2dr Chevy Tahoes, but those bitches stopped making 2dr. 2005 Mustang is good, but not really what i want, used to have 1967 mustang, starting to miss it.
ive been really frustrated with the girls in my life. They drive me insane. so fucking clingy. every 5 seconds "are you ok, do you still like me, do i make you happy." SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
thank you i feel better, where are all the quality, hot, NON-needy girls at? is there such thing?
hey anyone know a good cell phone provider... dont even say: cingular, att, metro, tmobile. i have sprint and they are pissing me off. Bastards.
so these days all me & boy do is play Lineage II, the chaotic chronicles... hehehe. damn im lame.
...looking for roommate in walnut creek, pleasant hill, lafayette, oakland, berkeley area...
My bestest lost her bf to meth. tough times. its unfucking believable that some can change so much over night, just off some drugs.
So these days i spend my time as a legal assistant. its fun sometimes, i get to evict ppl. and its sooo funny (im cold hearted) the ppl freak out and start calling the firm, pleading for help. idiots.
i want a new car, but there isnt really nothing out there too hot. i really like the 2dr Chevy Tahoes, but those bitches stopped making 2dr. 2005 Mustang is good, but not really what i want, used to have 1967 mustang, starting to miss it.
ive been really frustrated with the girls in my life. They drive me insane. so fucking clingy. every 5 seconds "are you ok, do you still like me, do i make you happy." SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
thank you i feel better, where are all the quality, hot, NON-needy girls at? is there such thing?
hey anyone know a good cell phone provider... dont even say: cingular, att, metro, tmobile. i have sprint and they are pissing me off. Bastards.
so these days all me & boy do is play Lineage II, the chaotic chronicles... hehehe. damn im lame.
...looking for roommate in walnut creek, pleasant hill, lafayette, oakland, berkeley area...
Go Monarchs!

The Monarchs are the Women's NBA team for Sacramento.