SGPDX New Years party was enjoyable. Met a few new people, although I spent most of my time at the bar. Introduced myself to Hypno and Ryan, so hopefully I can keep from getting booted from the group for inactivity (again).

New year, gonna get back to activly looking for a relationship. Still unsure what state I'll be living in which makes a long-term thing...
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Heh.. Santa Distroys the Invaders from Mars on Super-Atomic TV tonight...

You'd think out of the three times I've seen it, I'd know if it was still as funny if I was sober.
Well, thinking about moving to California. The owner of the company I was working for, that recently moved to Cali, called me today with a good job offer.

Finding less and less reasons to stay here, just not overly excited about the prospect of living in So. Cal.

I have some time to give it thought, so more on the subject to follow...
For anyone that missed it...

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Seems I'm growing more and more annoyed with holidays as the years pass...

I honestly played sick just to get out of thanksgiving last year. I do think it was the best thanksgiving I had ever had. There was no rushing from one house to another. I laid around watching football as four groups of loyal family members brought me plates of food.

I've just...
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Well after being lazy for a few months, looks like it's time to start looking for a new job. First interviews start tomorrow.

Not looking forward to putting back on a tie. Really not looking forward to having to start shaving every day. Honestly, if I could afford the perment lazy hair removal I'd do it in a second. Gonna miss wearing shorts every day...
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Buster Poindexter....

Who the hell is that you might ask... Late 80's singer of the psudo-caribean anthem "Hot, hot, hot"

What the hell does that matter? Is the obvious next question... Well, I just realized that I saw him in concert with a bunch of you down in California a couple months ago.

Wait, he wasn't there... you might say. But you'd be wrong. It...
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Impulse: fT = P1-P2

It's not the fall, it's the sudden stop...

Never, NEVER cook sausage naked...

nuff said.
. . . or bacon & eggs. Dude! Ouch!
good advice in so many ways.