question of the day
why can married women have girl friends married men have boyfriends but a married person gets upset when a husband is with a girl and a wife is with a man?
why can married women have girl friends married men have boyfriends but a married person gets upset when a husband is with a girl and a wife is with a man?
If you don't trust your partner or vice versa then you'll want to keep them away from distractions.
But if you CAN'T trust your partner then you shouldn't waste your time with them. Point blank.
But to it all boils down to how much you trust that other person.
Sounds like you have a lot a tough situations going on right now. If there's anything directly I can do to help feel free to contact me or even my better half veryvickiechick because she's cool and can offer a great female perspective.
Married 10 years happily and swinging openly. Honesty isn't the best choice, it's the only one. Whether that be with each other or with ourselves.
he lies bwhen questoned about being married, so whats wrong wit h me he drives me carzy and i do things like this.
repeat that too yourself... who's the ass???? you....