now that tat last entry is off my chest i feel better. you know i tried talking to him again last night just talking about things that are on my mind something that really upset me i wanted to share with him and he was like do we have to talk about this. i was "like you know you are such an asshole you want to know why i never takl to you about whats bothering me? because when it is something that i do not want to keep botteled up inside somerthing i just want off my chest you always say 'do we have to talk' about it well yeah if i can talk to you about my problems it ill not be stuck in my head and maybe i would be able relax and injoy life more and if you were not such a concedied asshole then maybe i would be happier with you!"
well i walked away not bothering to say anothe word he came in to the livingroom "i am sorry i was not trying to make you mad" i was like "well maybe if you weren't such a concedied asshole i would not get so mad" then a few min later he pulled me to him i got up and went pee. i felt better, but i still wish he would fucking listen when i talk.
well i walked away not bothering to say anothe word he came in to the livingroom "i am sorry i was not trying to make you mad" i was like "well maybe if you weren't such a concedied asshole i would not get so mad" then a few min later he pulled me to him i got up and went pee. i felt better, but i still wish he would fucking listen when i talk.
