Well last week was informative, silly and ROCKIN!!!
Science ROCKS:
12-2-11 MY STARS, MY SHOW pt 1
SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I love science, and so do plenty of bands. So I threw together some of my favorite science geek podcasts and mixed em up in a nice vortex of swirling kick ass ROCK...kinda like our galaxy...but funnier! Coo-L-ness taken from
12-2-11 MY STARS, MY SHOW pt 2
SPOILERS! (Click to view)

The stars keep shining on MY SHOW, but in this part, one star shines particularly brighter amongst my usual galaxy of ROCK. I mix some clips from some of my favorite podcasts featuring the One and Only Dr Robert Price. Otherwise known as The Bible Geek, these clips will illustrate why I enjoy listening to this gifted and talented man. oh, and someone tell Bill O'Reilly the War on Christmas started like 1500 years ago. Clips from:
http://www.robertmprice.mindvendor.com/biblegeek.php &
12-2-11 MD STARS, MY SHOW pt 3
SPOILERS! (Click to view)

After a quick bit of the Gospel of Bob Costas on the absurdity rampant in the NFL, Here we hear that it is not always just great songs and great BEER that CLUTCH has bestowed upon me. I also get great new friends! Allow me to introduce King Rob and Ally-The Queen Of Maryland with SHOCKWAVE Magazine
http://www.shockwavemagazine.com/ (This is a Big F**cking Deal!), along with a few of the 9 bands they have and have had. In here we have some SKIN TRIPP & STILLHOUSE mixed in with the rest of the Kuiper Belt of ROCK on MY SHOW.
12-2-11 MD STARS, MY SHOW pt 4
SPOILERS! (Click to view)

The rest of my conversation with the decade and a half married Rob and Ally Long Queen(Happy Anniversary!)of SHOCKWAVE MAGAIZNE. Exclusive new music here from mystery musicians...okey I can say one of the is Rob. Long Live The Queens! Featuring: STILLHOUSE, KARMA TO BURN, THE BAKERTON GROUP, EL GRANDE and More!