Lately I've been wondering what the FUCK people around me are thinking.
One person that I'm VERY close with doesn't give a SHIT that I haven't spoken to her in over a week.
Another person sees the fact that I have deep conversation with him, combines it with the fact I am trying to work things out with Corey and claims I'm "playing" him.
I am so sick and fucking tired of THIS SHIT.
Not to mention, my best guy friend, who dated my sister 3 years AFTER we became friends has pretty much ditched me for her... and now that she's moved on to a different dude, he writes her this angry e-mail that says something at the end to the nature of "Give the baby a kiss for me and hug Brenna so hard it hurts because I miss her so much." (He's in Korea in the Air Force). So NOW that my sister's getting out of the picture YOU FUCKING MISS ME???? You only came over to fucking see HER before you left, NOT ME.
I wish Alana and I lived on another fucking PLANET.
I miss my TRUE friends
One person that I'm VERY close with doesn't give a SHIT that I haven't spoken to her in over a week.
Another person sees the fact that I have deep conversation with him, combines it with the fact I am trying to work things out with Corey and claims I'm "playing" him.
I am so sick and fucking tired of THIS SHIT.
Not to mention, my best guy friend, who dated my sister 3 years AFTER we became friends has pretty much ditched me for her... and now that she's moved on to a different dude, he writes her this angry e-mail that says something at the end to the nature of "Give the baby a kiss for me and hug Brenna so hard it hurts because I miss her so much." (He's in Korea in the Air Force). So NOW that my sister's getting out of the picture YOU FUCKING MISS ME???? You only came over to fucking see HER before you left, NOT ME.
I wish Alana and I lived on another fucking PLANET.
I miss my TRUE friends

I am sorry the people around you are so ridiculous. I would just cut such people out of my life. I hope it gets better.

Hey.. get your ass back on here
Been long time since I talked to you! Friends can definatly suck sometimes, but just remember they are still your friends. Ups and downs right? Give it time.