I love the new and improved SGChicago. I always wanted this city to
have a regional group this good, and it only took 2 years
props to hepburn for starting the coup, and to
ohjayfloe for being the leader we needed for so long.
friday was another meet and greet, which was awesome regardless of any
attempts by lollapalooza people to hijack our venue. i'm not saying
despite, cos i think it was pretty fun(ny), and i got there early
enough to talk to people before it got loud.
The Arcade Fire Lollapalooza was really fun, but it did kick
my ass pretty good.
note to self: if the weather channel says it will be 100 degrees, do
not take this as an opportunity for a bike ride before standing
outside all day. at that temperature, there is no such thing as a
cool breeze off the lake.
another note: while having lollapalooza in your city is good because
it means you don't have to take off work to go, the same holds true
for your co-workers. this may lead to embarassing situations wherein
you are standing there dirty, sweaty, and topless when your coworkers
greet you cool and collected in their collared shirts and dress
opheliar and I spent most of the day sunday hanging out n the shade
with thurmis and elora until tegan and sara and the
arcade fire. it should be noted that i did not tan or burn even
though i was out in the sun without a shirt most of the day. no, i
went directly from pasty pale to heat rash
The Arcade Fire was worth every penny of the admission price, although
it would have been nice to see them when i could focus more on dancing
and enjoying the show than on not passing out, but i take what i can
get. for a blow-by-blow recount of the bands i liked and the bands i
hated, go here
that is all.
have a regional group this good, and it only took 2 years

props to hepburn for starting the coup, and to
ohjayfloe for being the leader we needed for so long.
friday was another meet and greet, which was awesome regardless of any
attempts by lollapalooza people to hijack our venue. i'm not saying
despite, cos i think it was pretty fun(ny), and i got there early
enough to talk to people before it got loud.
The Arcade Fire Lollapalooza was really fun, but it did kick
my ass pretty good.
note to self: if the weather channel says it will be 100 degrees, do
not take this as an opportunity for a bike ride before standing
outside all day. at that temperature, there is no such thing as a
cool breeze off the lake.
another note: while having lollapalooza in your city is good because
it means you don't have to take off work to go, the same holds true
for your co-workers. this may lead to embarassing situations wherein
you are standing there dirty, sweaty, and topless when your coworkers
greet you cool and collected in their collared shirts and dress

opheliar and I spent most of the day sunday hanging out n the shade
with thurmis and elora until tegan and sara and the
arcade fire. it should be noted that i did not tan or burn even
though i was out in the sun without a shirt most of the day. no, i
went directly from pasty pale to heat rash

The Arcade Fire was worth every penny of the admission price, although
it would have been nice to see them when i could focus more on dancing
and enjoying the show than on not passing out, but i take what i can
get. for a blow-by-blow recount of the bands i liked and the bands i
hated, go here
that is all.

yes, its nice that the group does things and hangs out. but i didnt make it out friday, cuz im lame.
nope, it's already out there...bought it off craigslist. Super crazy, but the girl who's selling it is super nice and all these scooter people have been helping me out and test driving it and offering garage space and w00t.