so, the new roommate is moved in, the old one and i are back to being [editted to not sound like i'm getting out of a relationship] like we were before, which is awesome. i'm really glad things weren't permanently fuxx0red.
i uploaded some pictures from the "divorce" party, cos all my old pictures were out of date. there's not many, cos i think rockinsteve was pretty drunk as well, plus it not being a very photogenic party. i thinkk i must have spant at least 80% of the party going on about the unbelievable coolness of ophelia, and the other 20 playing foosball, or apologizing for being drunk...
so, on that note, by request from the land of snow and cold, here's gir:

i uploaded some pictures from the "divorce" party, cos all my old pictures were out of date. there's not many, cos i think rockinsteve was pretty drunk as well, plus it not being a very photogenic party. i thinkk i must have spant at least 80% of the party going on about the unbelievable coolness of ophelia, and the other 20 playing foosball, or apologizing for being drunk...
so, on that note, by request from the land of snow and cold, here's gir:

stupid trillian
