so, in addition to my blog, there's this.. part of the reason i got the raise is cos one of my friends who i helped get hired is really not popular with the boss. they don't want to give her a raise, in fact they want to fire her. ugh. i don't want to be in the middle of this. and i especially don't want to deal with the fall out.
she keeps pushing them cos she's getting the shaft cos she has to pay twice as much for health care as the rest of the office (males). i'd start on some diatribe about how women paying more for health insurance is unfair and totally sexist, except that it prety much equals out the difference men pay in auto insurance.
this is the same half-assed way they dealt with the last person they fired... who's empty slot i filled. which happenned cos i used to ride the train with the guy. i didn't like him, but we had the same classes and lived in the same town with him, and i didn't HATE him, so i didn't bother trying to avoid him...
anyway, enough of that. Happpy X-mas everybody, i'll probably not be around until the 27th.

she keeps pushing them cos she's getting the shaft cos she has to pay twice as much for health care as the rest of the office (males). i'd start on some diatribe about how women paying more for health insurance is unfair and totally sexist, except that it prety much equals out the difference men pay in auto insurance.
this is the same half-assed way they dealt with the last person they fired... who's empty slot i filled. which happenned cos i used to ride the train with the guy. i didn't like him, but we had the same classes and lived in the same town with him, and i didn't HATE him, so i didn't bother trying to avoid him...
anyway, enough of that. Happpy X-mas everybody, i'll probably not be around until the 27th.

happy gir-filled holidays with much booze and sex with weird women who like to hide in your bathroom and rummage through your medicines in your medicine cabinet. oooh ooh ....eggnog is not good with beer and pizza...just my word of advice. bye bye

I d love to borrow it... but jail right now... I dunno it just dosnt sound verra "happy birthday" festive...