Hey! You had better dreams then me, give me some romantic entanglement with near stranger dreams, preferably in a car chase, whooo, I could use some serious adrenaline today after being at the computer twelve hours yesterday, sigh... and then I got this shitty email this morning, double sigh...
More specifically, I was being chased through a truck stop full of semi's and there was a gas leak which lead to a huge explosion which we just barely escaped from.
Ever try taking melatonin to help you sleep? Whenever I take it I have the most intense vivid dreams.
Main Entry: 1maiden
Pronunciation: 'mA-d&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mgden, m[AE]den, diminutive of mgeth; akin to Old High German magad maiden, Old Irish mug serf
Date: before 12th century
1 : an unmarried girl or woman : MAID
2 : a former Scottish beheading device resembling the guillotine
3 : a horse that has never won a race
Don't forget the all white sneakers! Can you get your hands on a stethoscope?
Still have not decided on what to dress up as...