Hi guys, today i have a sad but strong post from you. All my life i always felt misfit because my mom was a single mom, and when she got married again i suffer because my stepfather never treats me as his daughter and he had a bully actitude with me and somentimes he hits me with a letter belt...And my mom suffer quiet, then when she got ill i tought that my family was closer because of her but the true was the when she died all things get worse because she wasnt there! And my stepfather kiick me out from home because he didnt wanna my "evil influence" with my lil brother. Then i moved from my aunts house (moms sister) and in beggining it was great she respects me and listen all my problems, but them she started to realized that her issues with my mom didnt gone with her death and started to act like a psycho with me! And a 2 weeks ago things get crazy we started to fight and she hits me and punch me and said horrible things about my sweet mom...and she kick me out like my stepfather, and my friends helped me a lot and now i find a new place to live, a great place with a dear friend...but i realized that my whole family gonne with my mom.
(sorry about my english but im crying a lot written this)
(sorry about my english but im crying a lot written this)
hahaha then we will make a chick ass pals hahaha email me or something... i need details!!!!!!
love you lots and sedwick or not you will be my sister anyway

Thanks for the positive feedback on my set "Pyroerotica", it was sweet of you <3! (especially coming from you because your so gorgeous >,<!)