Hello boys and girls :p
I know that Im disappeared but it was for a good cause, I passed one week at my boyfriend's house and I cant write with him by my side
today I won't write a very happy post to tell the truth it will be more complaint: I am 21 years old and I am in the University and I find ridiculous the fact of still to suffer bullying for having a style different from the people that study with me. The hippie bastards and the girls without fashion sense really annoying me today ! I had to present a lecture on a book of Freud and them went totally rude and they talked the whole time disturbed all my group and they just made that without any reason ! Somentimes I don't understand as people can be soo assholes but C est la vie...
While I wrote my blog roommate listened that song:
cute as fuck
I know that Im disappeared but it was for a good cause, I passed one week at my boyfriend's house and I cant write with him by my side

While I wrote my blog roommate listened that song:
cute as fuck

Thanks so very much for your awesome comment on my MR set Lumiere! <33
Hope you're doing well!