Well guys i need your help...I spent the last week far away from the guy and when I went meet him again in the university he spoke to me very nice he hugged me but he didn't kiss me and and why didn't I understand !? And my mind is to fucked up and now I am beginning to think he is embarrassed of being seen after all with me in the university
because we are very different one of the other. And I dont know what really think because he told me that in carnival he searched my SG profile and like a lot to see my set layers , i find that very adorable....What i should do?I don't know what he to think seems interested and at the same time it doesn't seem... BOYS!!!!!!!!

geralmente a gente faz isso pelo mesmo motivos que vocs fazem...
queremos continuar ficando com uma guria que a gente curtiu, mas nao queremos perder a chance de ficar com outras tambem ^^
beijao fairys!
bom fim de semana =****