Did you already feel that the ground had abandoned their feet, had the air abandoned their lungs and what everything what you tried to believe lie had been? Because it is like this that I am feeling after yesterday at night I went to leave with my friend and I ended up finding the only face for who I was really impassioned Fel,everything was great were drinking and only having fun that quickly the climate changed I saw the disgusting of the face that there was half that blackmailed me with the throw of the sextape and that he said that he had shame of me, and I began to be very very nervous and I have Syndrome of the Panic soon I had a panic crisis in the middle of the bar that we were and I wanted to leave of there of any alone way that the only person that was with me that hour was Fel and he was very stupid !Started to say that my behavior was irritating he that was for me leave him alone and me leaves walking and I sat down and I began to cry because I never thought that he will act of that way I only wanted to be close to him because when I have crises helps me a lot to hug and to establish relationship of safety with some friend that is with me.Then a friend in common saw regretting me and he went to speak with me Fel appeared and he apologized for he being an imbecile with me, later it pulled me to dance and he began to speak several things without grace of the type ei you have problems because it seeks for them and me was not needing to hear that on that moment and he/she leaves walking and he made face of the type foda-if she and I went to sit down at the alone bar and I was there more than 20 minutes to an adorable boy UK to come to ask if I needed help and we were talking plenty saying that if I wanted him kick Fels ass. In the end of the night that happened it was that I got to eliminate all of the good feelings that i had for Fel and I was very resentful not for the of him not to have helped me but yes for me to have seen like him looked for me as an annoying and lacking girl desperate for his precious love! I think that when we liked somebody should not wait retribution but gosh I always had a great relationship with him when he needed I was there for you help him.I won a new body modification: a broken heart


thanks so much for the comment! how are you today?