Jeezy Peeps im sleepy!
Worked two shifts today...6am til 11.30 then 12 til 8!!! Im knacked
Was gonna go watch the movie Thirteen, has anyone seen it? Got it for a fiver in the Fopp dvd sale. Also go t Grease and the Magdalene mum said it was good.
Anyhoo, dont think i'll be watching any off to bed and its only 10pm, how sad!
I had a really wierd dream last night...we were being invaded by aliens (war of the world stylee) and i could see them peaking behind the clouds and they were all characters from Yellow Submarine and were really colourful. Me, Hungrydoug and my cousins husband VDog were able to save the world with a magic motorbike with some tube type contraption coming from the exhaust...but it would only work if we were beside water so we were down by a lake. But someone from my work bought the bike off someone else and her husband took it home....but cos all the fone lines were down there was a mad panic trying to get the bike back.
Then i woke up at 5am cos i had to get ready for work.
Weird! Anyone else have silly dreams? Snoop doug says im a freak for remembering my dreams.
Worked two shifts today...6am til 11.30 then 12 til 8!!! Im knacked

Was gonna go watch the movie Thirteen, has anyone seen it? Got it for a fiver in the Fopp dvd sale. Also go t Grease and the Magdalene mum said it was good.
Anyhoo, dont think i'll be watching any off to bed and its only 10pm, how sad!
I had a really wierd dream last night...we were being invaded by aliens (war of the world stylee) and i could see them peaking behind the clouds and they were all characters from Yellow Submarine and were really colourful. Me, Hungrydoug and my cousins husband VDog were able to save the world with a magic motorbike with some tube type contraption coming from the exhaust...but it would only work if we were beside water so we were down by a lake. But someone from my work bought the bike off someone else and her husband took it home....but cos all the fone lines were down there was a mad panic trying to get the bike back.
Then i woke up at 5am cos i had to get ready for work.
Weird! Anyone else have silly dreams? Snoop doug says im a freak for remembering my dreams.