What a stinky day...roll on the summer. I always seem to be so much happier in the summer.
Getting my hair coloured tomoro which should cheer me up, trainee colourist is doing it for a fiver, so much cheapness is good, seeing as my last hair do cost me 70 quid!!
And thanks to BasketCase, she's planted the idea in my head that i need to go get a new piercing.Not had anything new since my VCH over a year ago. Really wanna get a vert labret but will probably end up going for a normal labret. So, thats my plan for thurs. Never mind the fact i have a law essay due in fri....and i havent even started yet
Anyhoo, time for Shamless.
Getting my hair coloured tomoro which should cheer me up, trainee colourist is doing it for a fiver, so much cheapness is good, seeing as my last hair do cost me 70 quid!!
And thanks to BasketCase, she's planted the idea in my head that i need to go get a new piercing.Not had anything new since my VCH over a year ago. Really wanna get a vert labret but will probably end up going for a normal labret. So, thats my plan for thurs. Never mind the fact i have a law essay due in fri....and i havent even started yet

Anyhoo, time for Shamless.