What a weekend. Worked til 10pm on sat night then went out for a friends birthday. Drank a lot, popped some pills, made myself sick then played poker til 6 in the morning. Very eventful night... i won everyone's chips :o) Admittedly there was only 3 of us playing. Finally went to bed after watching some Indie chart thing on MTV....was great, they played a GENE video and i about wet myself with excitement.
Got laid and spanked hard
Fell asleep.
Work was a killer yesterday and i have to do it all over again next weekend
Party at mine if anyone's in the area!!!
Uni time now.
What a weekend. Worked til 10pm on sat night then went out for a friends birthday. Drank a lot, popped some pills, made myself sick then played poker til 6 in the morning. Very eventful night... i won everyone's chips :o) Admittedly there was only 3 of us playing. Finally went to bed after watching some Indie chart thing on MTV....was great, they played a GENE video and i about wet myself with excitement.
Got laid and spanked hard

Fell asleep.
Work was a killer yesterday and i have to do it all over again next weekend

Uni time now.
Sounds like a damn good weekend, we should all be so lucky!
Ok I have to reciprocate;
damn trying to think of something non-offensive until I know where not to tread.
Ok got one;
Bill Clinton and Al Gore are going out to dinner, a pretty young blonde waitress comes over and asks Bill what he would like, Bill looks up at her with a sparkle in his eyes and says "I would love a quickie". The waitress gasps slaps him across the face and storms off leaving Bill bewildered. Al Gore leans over and says "Its pronounced quiche".
And thats why i dont wanna be a copper otherwise my weekends wouldnt be so much fun!!!