Been a while since ive updated. Im Very very lazy at the mo.
Its so cold up here and i cant be bothered doing anything. Stole this from Lock cos i cant be bothered writing about me.
A - Age of your first kiss: 16
B - Band you are listening to right now: Green Day as always
C - Crush: That Goth Kid from Corrie
D - Dad's name: Frankie
E - Easiest person to talk to: or should that be Talk AT?? HungryDoug
F - Favorite meal: Hot N Sour Subgum from the local chinese
G - Gummy worms or Gummy bears?: Gummy worms
H - Hometown: Scumdee
I - Instruments: Saxomophone
J - Junior High: Eh?
K - Kids: 3boys according to a fortune teller.
L - Longest car ride: Dundee to Bristol
M - Mom's name:Maureen
N - Nicknames: Jules?
O - One wish: To be skinny and pretty
P - Phobia: Dont really have any but i dont like being in the house by myself at night.
Q - Quote: "i like my coffee how i like my a plastic cup"
R - Reasons to smile: Billie Joe Armstrong
S- Shampoo you use: whatever's on offer in Tesco
T - Time you woke up today:Bout 9ish i think...
U - Unknown fact about me: I'm really really shy
V - Vegetables you hate: cucumber too
W - Worst luck with: Men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
X - X-rays you've had: Teeth and ankle when i chipped a bone
Y - Years since you've been to church: a few
Z - Zodiac sign -fishies
Its so cold up here and i cant be bothered doing anything. Stole this from Lock cos i cant be bothered writing about me.
A - Age of your first kiss: 16
B - Band you are listening to right now: Green Day as always
C - Crush: That Goth Kid from Corrie
D - Dad's name: Frankie
E - Easiest person to talk to: or should that be Talk AT?? HungryDoug

F - Favorite meal: Hot N Sour Subgum from the local chinese
G - Gummy worms or Gummy bears?: Gummy worms
H - Hometown: Scumdee
I - Instruments: Saxomophone
J - Junior High: Eh?
K - Kids: 3boys according to a fortune teller.
L - Longest car ride: Dundee to Bristol
M - Mom's name:Maureen
N - Nicknames: Jules?
O - One wish: To be skinny and pretty
P - Phobia: Dont really have any but i dont like being in the house by myself at night.
Q - Quote: "i like my coffee how i like my a plastic cup"
R - Reasons to smile: Billie Joe Armstrong
S- Shampoo you use: whatever's on offer in Tesco
T - Time you woke up today:Bout 9ish i think...
U - Unknown fact about me: I'm really really shy
V - Vegetables you hate: cucumber too
W - Worst luck with: Men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
X - X-rays you've had: Teeth and ankle when i chipped a bone
Y - Years since you've been to church: a few
Z - Zodiac sign -fishies
A - Age of your first kiss: 13
B - Band you are listening to right now: slim thug hahah
C - Crush: no one really..
D - Dad's name: jerry
E - Easiest person to talk to:mom
F - Favorite meal: veggie sushi or age dashi tofu..almost anything japanese
G - Gummy worms or Gummy bears?: Gummy worms
H - Hometown: huntsville
I - Instruments: piano
J - Junior High: better then fucking highschool
K - Kids: ha. i was told 2 boys by a fortune teller..and i've got 1little girl and 1little boy, but you already knew that!
L - Longest car ride: hmm..about 9 hours
M - Mom's name:ann
N - Nicknames: not really
O - One wish: to be rich, or not have a ruined body
P - Phobia: water and fire
Q - Quote: 'life is the slowest form of suicide'-movie, glory days
R - Reasons to smile: my kids and my husband. how corny
S- Shampoo you use: bar'o'soap
T - Time you woke up today:9:30am
U - Unknown fact about me: i tried to pratice white magic for a couple of years in my early dorky!
V - Vegetables you hate: mushrooms
W - Worst luck with: scars damnit (and bad decisions)
X - X-rays you've had: lots of the mouth, a couple of my hand, a couple on my back
Y - Years since you've been to church: a few
Z - Zodiac sign -sag