Hey Folks!
Not updated in a while and not because i dont have anything to say BUT cos i seem to be super busy these days. Working full time in Fuckwit world and got loads of uni work to get thro.
Roll on Xmas.
I think my new funky flesh tunnel might be here from Wildcat *yay*
Not updated in a while and not because i dont have anything to say BUT cos i seem to be super busy these days. Working full time in Fuckwit world and got loads of uni work to get thro.
Roll on Xmas.
I think my new funky flesh tunnel might be here from Wildcat *yay*
I'm in PSW because I'm still 14+. 17-18, to be exact. Some of my sets don't show that, some do.
Heh. Now I have this image of Fuckwit World as being some kind of knock-down, disneyland/butlins hybrid - only tackier and even further past it's best. Do you get to wear a yellow coat or a big rubber animal head?