E' appena arrivato il bimbo!!!
Got a new amplifier, the classic Marshall JCM2000 Dual super Lead valve,
it's a professional guitar amp, with very powerful tone for rough-hand style. next week i will got the cabinet (la sua cassa dedicata con le rotelle!)
I put My Marshall in my living room so my apartment will rock as never heard before!
very very happy, here are some pics taken with cell phone,

non ho una vera sala prove, ma mi avvicino molto.
spero di suonare a casa mia come, QUANTO e quando vorr.
Non voglio pormi dei limiti

baci a tutti,
Got a new amplifier, the classic Marshall JCM2000 Dual super Lead valve,
it's a professional guitar amp, with very powerful tone for rough-hand style. next week i will got the cabinet (la sua cassa dedicata con le rotelle!)
I put My Marshall in my living room so my apartment will rock as never heard before!
very very happy, here are some pics taken with cell phone,

non ho una vera sala prove, ma mi avvicino molto.
spero di suonare a casa mia come, QUANTO e quando vorr.
Non voglio pormi dei limiti

baci a tutti,
hope you like my set