slork :-)
The italian painter Dante Gabriele Rossetti had a lover.
She died.
The old Rossetti buried his poetries together with his girlfriend in the grave.
A fiew years later, Gabriele made her un-bury (opened the grave) because he wanted his poetries
back. But the italian poet chose the wrong grave, and a mess began.
Last night, after one drink, I drove.
a composition made of flowers, sits on my right side as a gift for a girl who exists...
like a little plant, I watered down on it, during the race. Told the girl she was pretty.
^_* ...
questa composizione un dono... l'annaffiavo di tanto in tanto mentre ero alla guida.
il tutto impacchettato con un bigliettino che recitava "..for someone special"... che adoro...
p.s. alla fine dopo averlo consegnato, mi ha detto:
"Ma se ti fai trainare dietro ad un aereo, la radioattivit sparisce?" ho riso
e mangiato qualcosa di buono.

The italian painter Dante Gabriele Rossetti had a lover.
She died.
The old Rossetti buried his poetries together with his girlfriend in the grave.
A fiew years later, Gabriele made her un-bury (opened the grave) because he wanted his poetries
back. But the italian poet chose the wrong grave, and a mess began.
Last night, after one drink, I drove.
a composition made of flowers, sits on my right side as a gift for a girl who exists...
like a little plant, I watered down on it, during the race. Told the girl she was pretty.
^_* ...
questa composizione un dono... l'annaffiavo di tanto in tanto mentre ero alla guida.
il tutto impacchettato con un bigliettino che recitava "..for someone special"... che adoro...
p.s. alla fine dopo averlo consegnato, mi ha detto:
"Ma se ti fai trainare dietro ad un aereo, la radioattivit sparisce?" ho riso
e mangiato qualcosa di buono.

italian boys with blonde hair...