Business Meeting:
air ducts hum
a cough a sniffle
an intermittent sneeze between the
conspicuous yawns
a tentative voice
and fades into a silent doubt
eyes shift
seldomly meet
then roll in frustration.

Cheesey Noodles:
cheese. cheese.
below my being
above my consciousness
noodles falling
scattered amongst the floor
pick them up
throw them away
or save them
and let the boiling waters
rid those cheesey noodles
of all that
they think they stand
and for once
let them
that they are

her hair so soft and sleek
body to tender and meek
walking through the day so quiet
even though she smiles they don't buy it
not wanting to be noticed
afraid that she'll be dissed
she hides in the corner
what will happen to me she would wonder
floating through the day
afraid to go out and play
this is no life she would think
then she would have another drink
'what's the point' she would say
why pretend to be happy today
'fine i give up' she said
things would be better if i were dead
she had the gun in her hand
when in the yard a kitten happened to stand
a smile came to her face
the kitten she ran to embrace
'i needed something to love' she would say
as she walked happily through the day

Casualty in Progress:
Swinging, low angle, I'm drawn into her orbit
arms like clubs buffet the solar winds as we
drift like astronauts into the empty car park
and street lights flicker white nova then die.
I breathe the dust of dying stars
my mind driven wild by horizonless nights
an eternity screams from deep in my head
as she turns around and around in the maelstrom of me.
We collide like asteroids on the grease-spotted pavement
her elbows and knees dent the hood of a car
'til she floats to a stop, eyes reflecting the stars
in pools of deep space, black holes trapped in her head.