I need to have a quick whinge:
I have to wake up at 4:30 every weekday for the next 6 months for work thanks to the fucking moronic concept that is daylight savings.
Seriously, what is the point?
I've been to Sydney and Melbourne during summer, numerous times, and it's light out until anywhere up to 9pm! If you're going to try to save daylight do it in fucking winter when there's less of it in the first place!
Now that I've got that out of my system, I must admit I had a fucking amazing weekend.
Went and saw Me First and the Gimme Gimmes Friday night and got utterly annihilated at the after party where Eric Melvin was DJing.
Ended up going home with some bird (Rachel I think her name was... maybe... utterly stunning she was at any rate) and woke up Saturday morning with absolutely no clue where the hell I was and just hungover as well.
What a night.
Since then I've spent the rest of my long weekend doing sweet fuck all, recovering Saturday then just generally being a lazy sod yesterday and today.
Good times.