Anyone else feel like slitting their wrists since discovering we'd have to endure another four years of that dickwad G.W.? I know I have been quite depressed since Tuesday night when it became apparant that this country had been hijacked by the Christian Right!!!
The stupidity of humankind never ceases to amaze me. And I fear the day when people such as the G.W. supporters have a right to dictate MY morality to me. I will NOT stand for it.
What about YOU??? To what lengths are YOU willing to go for YOUR country? Will you stand up for your rights, or bend over for a good ol' fucking? Tell me how ya feel.
For those interested--I've posted a new photo album in my profile--lemme know watcha think of it. Below is one of my favorite poems that I think expresses my current feelings toward the mood in this country and the almost 47% of the rest of the US population who now have a leader we despise. Fuck you G.W. Bush!!
Contributed by Steeleyes on Friday, February 06 2004 @ 05:31:37 CST
Topic: Political Poetry
Finnesse it
Thats what they say
Just fudge all the issues
Make it go away
Admit the smallest scrap
Tell only a bit
Designed to confuse
And full of ****
Dont talk about truth
In any way
Im a politician
I dont mean what I say
And you are a voter
Just one of the sheep
Why dont you get lost?
My secrets Ill keep
You dont ask questions
When it benefits you
Why bother me now
About the things I do?
Go stay in your corner
And leave me be
You talk sanctimonious
Like the deal you dont see
You are too lazy
To control your own life
You gave me the job
And I aint your wife
If you dont know corruption
Is the game that we play
Then you are nave
And dont get to say
One damn thing we will hear
Stay in your place
We need no interference
In this rat race
Just believe all the myths
We feed you today
That we are selfless
You LIKE it that way
The dirty work gets done
Pretending we're kind
We get the big bucks
And you can stay BLIND
Copyright Steeleyes ... [2004-02-06 05:31:37]
(Date/Time posted on site)
The stupidity of humankind never ceases to amaze me. And I fear the day when people such as the G.W. supporters have a right to dictate MY morality to me. I will NOT stand for it.
What about YOU??? To what lengths are YOU willing to go for YOUR country? Will you stand up for your rights, or bend over for a good ol' fucking? Tell me how ya feel.

For those interested--I've posted a new photo album in my profile--lemme know watcha think of it. Below is one of my favorite poems that I think expresses my current feelings toward the mood in this country and the almost 47% of the rest of the US population who now have a leader we despise. Fuck you G.W. Bush!!
Contributed by Steeleyes on Friday, February 06 2004 @ 05:31:37 CST
Topic: Political Poetry
Finnesse it
Thats what they say
Just fudge all the issues
Make it go away
Admit the smallest scrap
Tell only a bit
Designed to confuse
And full of ****
Dont talk about truth
In any way
Im a politician
I dont mean what I say
And you are a voter
Just one of the sheep
Why dont you get lost?
My secrets Ill keep
You dont ask questions
When it benefits you
Why bother me now
About the things I do?
Go stay in your corner
And leave me be
You talk sanctimonious
Like the deal you dont see
You are too lazy
To control your own life
You gave me the job
And I aint your wife
If you dont know corruption
Is the game that we play
Then you are nave
And dont get to say
One damn thing we will hear
Stay in your place
We need no interference
In this rat race
Just believe all the myths
We feed you today
That we are selfless
You LIKE it that way
The dirty work gets done
Pretending we're kind
We get the big bucks
And you can stay BLIND
Copyright Steeleyes ... [2004-02-06 05:31:37]
(Date/Time posted on site)
I totally understand, I guess I find it kind of scary that we really do seem to be a nation of dumb hillbillies who have no problem putting an even dumber hillbilly in cahrge of us...well, at least 51% of us or so. least CA seems to be doing O.K., so that's a plus. But I would imagine that all the people can at least join us up in arms and point out that 100% of us really dig the new pics and can't wait for, it's sad as it may seem, the only thing we can all agree on is the hotness of cool, naked chicks..God/Allah/Buddha/John Smith/Brian Wilson/Mohammed save us all!!!!!!!
. .I'd never sliy wrists for politics either