The dark world enfolds me in it's midnight embrace--
shadows caressing me with their velvety touch.
I feel the demons grab and bite and twist me
and I savor the sweet sensation of pain
as they sink their sharp teeth into my soul and
take me beyond the world I thought I knew.
All I'd been told of, all I'd been taught,
all I'd learned, evaporating with the realization
that Pain is all there truly is...
The new pic is compliments of my GOOD friend ravenscalling. Isn't her artwork AWESOME???
The dark world enfolds me in it's midnight embrace--
shadows caressing me with their velvety touch.
I feel the demons grab and bite and twist me
and I savor the sweet sensation of pain
as they sink their sharp teeth into my soul and
take me beyond the world I thought I knew.
All I'd been told of, all I'd been taught,
all I'd learned, evaporating with the realization
that Pain is all there truly is...

The new pic is compliments of my GOOD friend ravenscalling. Isn't her artwork AWESOME???
That is a beautiful journal entry. I would love to go to a show with you sometime. Now I just need the cash. Seraphim Shock played in Lawrence lastnight but I couldn't go because I had class. Damn education!! I will send you my yahoo screen name again. The new pic rocks too. You are so beautiful. I will try to keep in touch but I am really bad about stuff like that. Take care babe.

yes! awesome pics>