well things go from bad to worse. my uncle ron is back in jail. got in a high speed chase drunk off his ass with the cops and crashed into a fucking taco bell! he was out of jail less than a year and he is back. he just got out after 7 years. i am so fucking pissed. he finally is back in our...
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Bipolar sucks, i dated a guy who was bipolar, he is now in the hospital. It sucked alot. He was always so mean to me.
*hug* thanks for the comment. i know how bad bipolars can be. my ex was real bad. i tried to help her for 5 years, but i realized one day that i couldn't do anything.

don't rightly know what to say about your uncle. i used to have an uncle who was always in trouble, but he lived in jalisco (mexico). no one's seen him in awhile... don't be sad though. cute girls like you shouldn't be sad. if you ever wanna talk, just aim me... i'm always on when i'm not at work (or asleep).
fucking money and credit cards! i never had my credit card get declinded before. i was so embrassed! frown school was just very long today. i am not going to like wednesdays.... i am trying to feel better about myself. i just feel so alone and have no one to talk to really. my so called friend Jenna saw my cuts and snapped on me and...
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oh my credit card gets declined all the time, it doesnt get any less embaressing though frown
Its 6am and im sitting here drinking coffee trying to wake up.
I hear what you are saying about money and stuff. Seems like you never have enough no matter what.
i stared cutting again. the pain is just too great. i am so fuckign worthless. my own my family doesnt even know i exist. i am invisable to them. they never ask how i am or what i been up to its all ryan ryan ryan (my brother who is a marine) i mean yes he is away at boot camp and buliding a career...
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i do worry.. so please don't frown
try the patch or something... of course i shouldnt talk.. i punch myself in the tummy when i get upset frown but anyways dont do the cutting thing, and if you do dont do it too deep, get some help, and remeber youll have scars for the rest of your life, let them be emtional, not physical ones, at least emtional ones you can kinda cover up tongue

anyways i dont know why the lady was so mean when you carded her, i love to be carded, maybe she hadnt had a smoke in awhile, and thats why she was bitchy...
i had my creative writing class today. it was so boring. the teacher just seems like she doesnt know what she is doing. she seems the type to just read and teach what the book says and thats it. grrrr! i had a fun night talking with mya and nelok. they made me feel better. which is nice! my boyfriend is an asshole. i am...
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see i told you, you wouldnt be the worst one in yer class, it turns out the teacher is worse then you tongue tongue
being alone isn't so bad. i mean after a little while, you almost get used to it.... okay so thats a horrible fucking lie. you never get used to it. on the other hand, being with someone out of a fear of being alone is the worst possible reason. it just prolongs the horror and ends worse then if you just swallowed your fear and walked away. trust me on that. been through one of those myself, lost my best friend who warned me about it, lost other watching them struggle with the same problem.


and creative writing can't be taught. you know it or you don't. and when you do know it, for the love of the gods - WRITE.

what kinds of faeries? not those disturbingly cute ones that entered pop culture with the likes of Brian Froud i hope. give me glorious Sidhe, darksom Sluagh and bizarre Kilmoulis any day over those silly little pixie things. i mean, where the hell did they come from? i've never seen any folk tale or story about little winged cute things.
back to school. lovely! whatever i had one class today which was alright. I know i will learn a lot in my web site develpoment class. tomorrow is my creative writing class. I am so tired and hot it is 89 degrees here and i am just suffering. walking outside was bad since i had an ashma attack. my boyfriend was getting pissed since i had...
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Not to judge your life, but you are a beautiful woman and you don't need to stay with him for fear of being lonely. I completely understand that its scary, but if you're in a relationship that isn't worth having, you're going to feel just as lonely as if you're by yourself.
she probably just lost track of time.. she was with someother friends. i atleast got a kiss goodbye when she left so that was nice smile
i am not doing the best and i am trying to get out of the "i want to die" mode. I start school monday and i am nervous. i keep getting all these bad thoughts about it dancing in my head. "what if i suck at web design and graphics?" "what if everything i write for my creative writing class everyone thinks sucks and the...
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you seem like a sweet girl, and we shall definately chat more. smile
See....yet another thing that sucks about living out in Germany. I meet so many cool people on here and im way off in another country. I would hang out with you for sure If I was out there Rae*HUG*wink
thats it i am sick of life. i just want to die sometimes. There is no point at times. I feel so worthless and hopeless. there is no point in me anymore. i been used. i been treated like shit. i have no one to convide in. I am a lost cause. i am in so much pain. i cant stop crying. i feel so...
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stop. breathe. take it easy. breathe again. do something active like take a walk. then think inner strength. I am me. inner strength. then go back home take a nap and treat yourself to something you like. this works, i've been there.
I really hope things change for you soon. You're so down, and that's not good. Cheer up bebbah!
I slept 15 hours today and it totally screwed me up. I was late to work because of it. GRR! Work was alright tonight. I am getting some more hours since a girl quit tonight and everyone is glad she did. she was beyond annoying and just plain dumb. I hate to say that about people but in this case it was true. I wish...
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such a fun party last night.. still recovering and cleaning the apartment biggrin which shows that it was a good one
Hello! smile
went swimming with my cousins and aunts at my second cousin's house. it was fun. Though i wish i could have hung out with my cousin heather more. she is one of my best friends. I told her about this site and she wants to check it out but is afraid too since her parents are really overpertective and religious as hell and would freak...
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he's the one thats going to be a little mad tomorrow when he gets my 75 dollar cleaning bill... ohh well.. he should have thought about that first.
How old is Heather again? You can't have her join this site to her if she is under 18...

What do you need to get out?
I cant stop thinking. I am strating to question a lot lately. about myself, my family, my few friends, everything. I just sit and cried today wondering what is wrong with me. I cant blame my pills since i took them. We got a letter from my brother today. He is doing great. He is in the middle of the Cruicible. this is when you...
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Thanks for checking out my poems too, Poetry day was fun!

I really hope you can find a way to cheer up soon. And I am so happy you heard from your brother, that must be such a relief!