i know its been like forever since i added anything but just nothing to say. My brother is home and with friends right now. getting home for the hoildays was hell and stressful, fucking airlines. I am going with Lord of the Rings crazyness. I havent been able to see the return of the king and its driving me mad. School ended last monday and I am glad its over. I did okay. I am taking french, interactive design mulitmedia, flash and web authoring, and sci-fi and utopian studies next semester. I saw this film May and it was fucked up but worth seeing if you like an odd film and gore. I been down and then really down and wanting to die. I guess i am better. I went through a dark patch where nothing could help. My brother being home is nice he is open to getting into LOTR and seeing the films since he knows it is something I enjoy. He goes to Iraq in Feburay. My ankle brace comes off Tuesday. which is nice. I am sick of it. though my knee is bothering me now. I am dying my hair for the holidays. I am dying it a red colour to bring out my natural red high-lights. Life is pretty dull. No social life at all! i sit at home on my computer, watching films, listening to music, and reading. I got my brother a tom clancy book and a journal for his journey to iraq for christmas. I got my mum a nightmare before christmas bobble head of Jack. she loves it. my dad a baseball cap with his favourite nascar driver on it. I have like no money now. GIfts and such have totally wiped me clean. ah well. I just hope when i go to chruch (yuck) on christmas eve they dont try to baptize me again. They are like snipers those catholics. They want to confert everyone. It drives me nuts. I am only going to see my little cousin sing. GRR! well i hope everyone's holiday is wonderful. I just hope mine doesnt drive me nuts. luv you all.
