My group is up! Thanks to zenhell for letting me know it was up. I am so excited!!!! Its a group for beatle fans.
its a public group so all can join. things have been super stressful and my group being up actually makes me happy. Since stress is killing me and putting me down in the dumps. my web site for my final exams will be up soon. it is a site dedicated to a clockwork orange. which is my favourite film and book. my brother sent us gifts. i got a diamond ring, my mum got a diamond neckles, and my dad got a really nice watch. we have no clue why he got us this stuff but we are so greatful. he is a real sweetie. he graduates soon from infentry school. on the 12th. lord i have so much x-mas shopping to do. I got to get my best friend mike somethign specail. he has been my rock and the bestest firend ever. he is taking us to a 3 doors down and tantric concert and dinner for my christmas gift. 3 doors down is his favourite band and i didnt know this when i saw them and i promised next time they would come we would go. so here they come again with another one of his favourite bands and i told him and he said he would get tickets for us. though i wanted to get them i know he is bad at thinking of special gifts so he is getting them and i will get him something else.
must be off. bye all i love ya.
how are you guys? hope is well....

I am totally joining your group. I have a pretty cool collection of beatles stuff going on over here. A lot of it is really old kick ass stuff that Derek's mom gave me. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better. I hope you mood continues to improve.