you are born, life throws shit at you and then you die. things are in a sprial of crap that wont go away. Negativeity just flows right through me right now. nothing is going right. i need to get away from here. get away from everything i know. work, school, baby sit that is all i do. No friends to hang out with, well one if you include my ex who has started to pray to god we get back together. it wont happen even though at times it may end my lonliness. but i cant go back to such a painful experience. maybe its my fever talking but i really cant stand life. i sit at home when i am not working, at school, or baby sitting on the computer. i have no life. i am surpressed here. and its almost to the point of suffication. my brother got a cell phone so he calls us more from camp pendalten in california. it is nice he is having a good time there learning stuff, even if it is how to kill people in quick inhuman ways. damn he had to be a fucking marine. ah well i cant change it. hope i can change my life.
You better be careful. If you constitute the way you live as having no life, you may never be happy since almost everyone lives exactly the way you described. It's time for the harsh advice, since I find that's what most people need: The negative things that make up your life aren't affecting you directly, it's your own lack of motivation that allows them to penetrate. Letting those things get you down will only bring you further down. You have to fight through that crap by doing what you love to do. And since I happen to know that thing is writing, there's no reason you shouldn't be doing it anytime you want. I might have to start assigning you writing homework.

life does sucks ass but hey we get through it the best we can. hang in there and if you need me to assassinat anyone or anything just let me know.
(Rubber chicken of DOOM)