work sucks. i left early since i had a migrain and they customers all had sticks up thier butts. but a dream of mine did come true though....I got to see the hot manager in tight jeans. Oh yes it was beautiful.
my parents are asses. damn green bay packer game they get all drunk and go nuts. they ask me real stupid questions and interput me when i am on the phone and it today it was long distance from my best bud in montana. grrr! i need to move out. i havent heard from my ex in a few days. WHOOO HOOOO! i also cold creek manor last night with one of my aunts. it wasnt that good, it seemed to drag on. lord my head hurts! bye all

Never heard of that movie. What is it about? Yes, it has been a long time since we have chatted. How have things been? Your ex still bothering you? Hope your migraine went away!

Nice to see somethings are going right for you.