my boyfriend's car was broken into today. his stereo was taken and all of his cds. it was shitty as hell. then this homeless kept asking us for money while my b/f was on teh phone with the cops. it was crazy. school sucked. i dont want to work. i might not go i am so stressed. and migrains are killing me. all i see are colours and little lines dancing around. grrrr.... i am so tired. I am so happy about my growing friendship with Kungfukender. he is the sweetiest guy. gotta go now
life is terribly comedic and almost insultingly simple, if you just let it be. try to see the humour in everything and i garuntee you will find it.
and breathe.
watch the world dance around you and go dance with it. trust me, water molecules can waltz like nothing else, and they're rank amateurs when it comes to the flow and ebb of life.
good luck with the friendship. it sounds like you could really use it these days.