ok, like i said... a lot of shit needs to happen before i can start having a good time again, & boy did today back that statement up. i don't even know where to begin without totally boring all you faithful readers with the details. pretty much, i'm a corporate slave mucking out the shit from the stalls of cubicle land. my slave driver (from now on referred to as Dr. Evil) has been aware for some time now that i am to move on very soon, since i've been taking classes for an unrelated field. well, this past weekend he pushed me for a definite date (which is still over a month away). being a very loyal slave with good labor ethic, i didn't want to leave my coslaves or Dr. Evil in a lurch. so i gave a final date of April 30th, because a lot of shit is going to be flowing through the pipes within a few weeks, & the laborers are few. so, yesterday Dr. Evil informs our shit-shoveling crew that he may be moving on himself, but that he would be there to comandeer the shoveling, & everything had to be finalized last night. he would also tell his master (from here on to be referred to as Fat Bastard) that i too am leaving at said date. so, this morning, our little shoveling party eagerly awaits Dr. Evil's news, how things went, is he moving on, when, & what's the word on me. all we got was a good morning & he moves on to tell the rest of the world his good news, leaving us to find out about it second-hand, as well as spreading the word that was mine alone to spread. piece of shit. and oh, by the way, he's gone in two weeks, NOT staying throught the major shitfest, leaving us in the "capable" hands of none other than Fat Bastard himself. selfish prick made me finalize my date so he could bail. & that, my friends, is what i get for being loyal to a shitcrew.
so i finished my day with a trip to the movies to see 300... i've never been more in the mood for blood & guts. every Persian had the face of Dr. Evil & (let's just call him Mini-Me). but really, awesome movie. i want to go see it again, right now.
gee, after this blog i should probably change my caption.
so i finished my day with a trip to the movies to see 300... i've never been more in the mood for blood & guts. every Persian had the face of Dr. Evil & (let's just call him Mini-Me). but really, awesome movie. i want to go see it again, right now.
gee, after this blog i should probably change my caption.
let's do it!! We will come back with our shields or on it!!!

lol it feels like it sometimes
I work in a nail spa! we should get together and have drinks sometime!! Do you ever get into philly?? Dr evil sounds like a real prick!! glad you moving on to something better!!