I'm at work and I am so bored right now. It is very slow right now but earlier there was so much going on. We had about four people coming in requesting badges, a summer temp come in and no one knew who authorized her to be here, a medical emergency and a whole lot of people that we had to look up on the...
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I've done the 3p-7a shift before so I know what you're going through. Jobs suck...I think I want to be my own boss eventually or at least work for a company that appreciates me.

I'm just pissed at the world because people are annoying and I'm just having a crisis over what to do with my future...things can never be easy surreal
trying to type when a kitty is doing her best to try to get attention is kinda difficult. tongue

So friday instead of staying at justin's grandparents place we stayed at home and watched naruto and i ended up driving to see maggie in the morning around 8am.

Saturday morning I took care of Maggie and stuck around there until 11am when I finally got out...
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My healing process is doing a bit better as of yesterday. One of my crutches broke thru the rubber stopper on the bottom so the plastic tip came thru. I slid on tile last night at Justin's grandparents place and put my foot down for balance, my bad foot, and stood there for a minute. I realized then that I had just put complete pressure...
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Congrats! See, that foot will be healed in no time and you'll be back to roller-blading! biggrin
What I am currently reading...
Dragonfly by Frederic S. Durbin

Bad things were starting to happen again
in Uncle Henry's basement. People were
moving around down there...

And that wasn't half of it.

As Hallowe'en approaches, young Bridget Anne
("Dragonfly," to her friends) begins hearing strange things
coming from the basement of her uncle's funeral parol-peculiar
noises and odd voices speaking of a stairway... a...
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no i don't need any contact info, thanks!
one of my friends joined up with them and wants me to do it too. we're actually going to wallingford tonight to skate. not roller derby practice, but for fun.

hope it heals soon!
her name is amanda. i know there is another amanda on the team tho.
i went skating tonight with her for the first time in 14 years! haha. i didn't fall once, but i was a bit wobbly. i'm excitttttttteeeed!
I cant believe that as of tomorrow it will be June already. The year is almost half over already. Thats crazy

Im feeling left out again. Today on the yahoo group for the league that I want to join, and I had been practicing with, I found out that a lot of girls that started when I did were accepted into the league. Yes Im...
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check out the new user pic smile
Thanks for the hugs.

Love the new pic! smile
did you ever end up joining the ct rollergirls?
i just joined the group here on sg and saw yr post.
There isn't a a whole lot going on with me.... I'm at work. I overslept this morning. I got a call at 7:45am from work asking where I was. For some reason neither me nor Justin set the alarm last night. I finally got to work at 8:18am. I've been watching a Japanese Anime called Gantz... I'm on volume 7 of 10.

the count is...
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you can look at suicide girls at work? kick ass!
I just got back from seeing a midnight showing of x-3.... all I gotta say was that it was sad but it kicked ass! miao!!
Thanks, sweetie! I still want to see that movie, kiss
I seem to be a postwhore lately tongue

so anyways... went to the doctor's today and got my followup exam/xrays of my ankle.

the doc said the xrays look great. he said i need to try to get my foot so that i can more it around more. said he wants me back in a month (made an appointment for june 22nd) and he said that...
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