OMG that sux! Last year, mine and Walter's cars got broken into and they stole our satellite radios, a digital camera, our work phones, etc. We weren't bothering to lock our doors because we live in a really nice neighborhood...I mean we have a state trooper that lives down the street! Kids are such asses I hope the caulking comes out should.
I've been so busy trying to get the house presentable for the grandparents tomorrow. I think I'm going to skip the 5pm movie (which I didn't buy tix to) and just do the 7 & 9pm. Ugg...I need a house-cleaner
Yayayayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know any store online or any store anywhere for leather and stuff....hmmmm let me think. I so wanna do a craft night! I would not mind at all if Gamma came over! Yay! We could have SO much fun! Thanks for the tip about the hair dye...believe it or not this time I did NOT turn myself blue! My scalp a bit but what can you do. Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! Have a great weekend pretty lady!
I've been so busy trying to get the house presentable for the grandparents tomorrow. I think I'm going to skip the 5pm movie (which I didn't buy tix to) and just do the 7 & 9pm. Ugg...I need a house-cleaner