Sunday I left work at 3pm and began my vacation. Me and Justin then drove to Otis, MA to meet up with my parents at their camp site at Tolland State Park. We stayed there until Tuesday morning. Sunday night we made smores over the fire. We stuck a marshmellow on a log to see how long it would take to melt. Because it wasn't in the direct flame it actually took all night and on Monday morning it was a very light piece of coal looking material. Monday we went out on the small boat that my parents have. The battery died so dad and Justin had to row the rest of the way to the beach. We all got really sunburnt in the process because me and Justin were both wearing tank tops. We both took a nap when we got back to camp. My uncle and aunt from Sunderland stopped by and we hung out with them for awhile until they left around 10:30pm. We got up the next morning around 8am and left for home. Justin got Gabe for the day. I hung out and played on Gaiaonline (thanx Katrina, I'm addicted now
) all day. Wednesday me and Justin drove to meet up with my parents in Quincy. My aunt Ann, uncle Chuck and cousin KaraJean are out visiting from Wisconsin this week and I wanted Justin to meet them. Found out that my uncle Paul actually stopped by as well. My dad, uncle Paul and uncle Chuck all went to a Harley Rendavu (sp?) this weekend. We stayed way too late and got home really late. I had my last appointment with the specialist on thursday morning for my ankle. They took a last xray and everything is healing great. It's all on me now. I'm walking without my crutches now. Thursday I went back to Quincy to meet up with my mom, aunt ann and cousin KaraJean and we went to the mall and a couple of other places. I kinda overdid it and got dizzy a couple of times and had to sit down. I left there way too late again and got home last night really late. Today I'm just being lazy and eventually I need to go and get some groceries. I don't know if I mentioned or not that even tho I got a crappy review I still got a .35 raise. Which now makes things a bit easier. Even that little bit helped. My check yesterday was better than usual which made me happy. It's amazing how just a little bit helps. So I'm in a bit of pain because I overdid it yesterday. It's just amazing how much better I'm doing now compared to two weeks ago when I could barely walk on my foot. Now off to do some laundry for work tomorrow and to go shopping.

Yes, a little bit certainly does help. We received a 7% gas increase from work which only works out to pay for one tank of gas a week but it's nice to see the extra money nonetheless. Glad to hear you had fun in ex's brother and sis-in-law live out there. I'm not a huge fan of the country...I'd rather vacation in the city (I know that sounds weird but hey, growing up in the boonies has turned me off from the country). So will you be back to skating soon?
Of course you can apply...I was telling BonfireCollapse that there are only a handful of people on this site that I would consider as friends. We should definitely hang out sometime since we live so close