So I decided that it was way over time to start working on my pharmacy technician program. Saturday while at work I started working on the booklet that I knew was the next one I needed to complete and I worked on about half of it that day. Sunday I completed the other half, partial at work and partial at a friend's house while watching a wrestling ppv. Well tonight I finally completed the end test and I got a 95%.
So I'm still keeping up with the good grades. The lowest I have gotten on any of the tests is 90%. I just had to tell someone because I'm really proud of myself and Justin is sleeping. And no, I'm not mad that he isn't awake to listen. He has been awesome with how much he has helped me because of my ankle. He is tired.

How's the ankle doing? I commented in Justin's journal on a band that's playing Friday night that he asked me about...they aren't goth but they are still good anyway...maybe I'll get to see you guys