WARNING: Long post about my injury and my weekend...
This weekend was on of the worst that I have had in awhile. Friday I was down in the basement practicing turning around while skating. My left foot twisted and it ended up going inwards towards my other foot and I fell on top of it. Luckily Justins mom, Barbara, was home. I yelled for her and she ran downstairs and got my skates off and found a chair with wheels and I pushed my way to the stairs. I crawled up the stairs, thru the kitchen, thru the livingroom and down the hall to my bedroom. Barbara got me an icepack and set me up with my foot propped up on the bed. I called work and told them I wouldnt be able to come in the next day. I then waited for Justin to get out of work. I left him a text message around 6:15pm and he called me back by 6:30pm. He got home about 6:45pm and we went to the ER in Holyoke. I went in at 7pm and was out around 8:30/9pm after triage, the insurance lady, x-rays, doctor and getting a cast. I was lucky I wasnt there a lot longer. I only had one issue I was handed a care sheet and prescription for 5/500 Vicodin tablets. I had to request a note for work, which they wrote that I could return within a day. There was no way I could go back to work in a day! I already had crutches, I was using Justins sisters old ones. They let me go right from the examination room. I thought if you had an injury that made if difficult to move they at least escorted you to the door? I guess I was wrong. Walking with the crutches tires me out so quickly. I was ok but in a bit of pain for most of Saturday. I mostly played Untold Legends 2 on my PSP, I just got it last week from Gamefly. Quite a few times I just curled in a ball and cried. Jay and Chris came over Saturday night to hang out and watch Ultimate Fighter 3 and TNA with me and Justin. Chris bought us pizza. They cheered me up a bit by being goofy and playing with a reach gripper that Barbara lent me. Gypsy seemed to know that I was upset Saturday and curled up next to me on the bed for most of the day. I called in to work on Saturday for Sunday and told the kid that answered that I called my boss and left him a message saying that I can work but only at a sit down post like our personnel entrance. The kid took that as if he could find someone to switch spots with me on Sunday I could come in. * smacks forehead * They actually called me back to tell me that they got a guy in the truck gate to switch spots with me for Sunday. The truck gate! Where I would have to get up and go outside a lot to get plate #s and STAND at the window! Dumbass! I told him no and AGAIN told him what I said originally. Also the second shift people on Friday never told the third shift people that I had called out for Saturday morning. I got a call at 3:30am asking if I could come in early because someone was sick. * smacks forehead again * The lack of communication at work is ridiculous! I called my boss at 2pm on Saturday by 6pm on Sunday I still hadnt heard from him . Also by 6pm on Saturday I noticed that they amount of pain meds that they put me on wasnt helping a whole lot with the pain. I was still in a lot of pain. I called the hospital at 3:30am Sunday morning. They asked if I was taking my meds I said yes. They asked if I was keeping off my foot and keeping my foot/ankle propped up I said yes. They then told me that they could do nothing for me over the phone, that they could not call in a stronger medication, that my options were to either call the doctor I was recommended to (who wouldnt be in until Monday morning) or go back to the ER. I couldnt go back to the ER because Justin had to work at 5:45am Sunday morning. I finally woke Justin up and told him what was going on. He went and found Ibprophen (sp?) in the cabinet in the bathroom leftover from when he was hurt I took one. After crying all night from being in pain I finally fell asleep around 5am when Justin left for work. The Ibprophen is helping so I am taking that when my ankle gets painful. I slept all the way until 2pm. My ankle felt better. I finally called my boss around 6:30/7pm to ask what I should do. He had already called my co-worker that I would with Monday Wednesday and discussed me working with him and if he is ok with me just sitting in the security base while he goes on any calls we have. He did that but didnt call me back I shouldnt have had to call him, he should have called me. Whatever I found out today that he accepted a job and will be leaving in a couple of weeks. Sunday went alright, Gypsy stayed next to me all day again. I can tell that it is different than her usual pay attention to me pose because instead of being on my pillow she was curled up next to me. We had the place to ourselves for most of the weekend Barbara had a hiking date Saturday afternoon and then a dinner date that night. She then left us a note saying that she would not be home until Sunday hehe She seems happy, which is good. I met the guy on Saturday and he seems nice. She didnt get home until around 8pm on Sunday. Justin has been a huge help all weekend. He got me food and anything I needed. When I talked to my mom on Sunday night she said that she was happy to hear that it sounded like Justin was taking good care of me.
I am currently at work. I just called to make an appointment with the specialist that they gave me the number for to see within 3-7 days. She is completely booked. The only appointment they have this week is for Wednesday at 3pm with a different doctory. They didnt tell me who the appointment is with. They told me to go to the ER and get my x-rays and make sure I have my co-pay and insurance card on me. They didnt tell me where they were located. Somehow Im supposed to go to the ER on crutches and get my x-rays. I called Justin and he was all frustrated with the lack of info that they were telling me. I just told my boss and he said that whenever I have to leave on Wednesday to go to the doctor is fine, at least that went smoothly so far I just called back and requested their address and what doctor I am seeing because they didnt tell me. So frustrating
Its so beautiful outside it would be a perfect day to go skating
My leg is sore, I really want to go home and go to bed. I need to respond to all the emails I got from the rollerderby league about my ankle. This was the worst timing I finally found something I enjoyed and it immediately gets taken away from me. I think I was cursed, I had too many people telling me Oh, thats a really rough sport. Are you sure you want to do that? And I was actually doing well!
I cant stop thinking about it and it keeps upsetting me. And on top of that we dont have all that much food in the house and not a lot of money to get more. I ate leftovers on Saturday, hot pockets that night, pizza later on, pizza the next day, then hot pockets again.
I really want a burger.. even tho my stomach keeps getting upset. I dont know why. I think it might be the meds. I feel like Im going to get sick and maybe pass out at the same time. Im going to feel a lot better when I get home and in bed. Justin going to the bathroom was an adventure. I had to get thru the main factory doors, then get in the security cart, drive to the bathrooms, park, get out and get thru bathroom doors, use bathroom (get into stall, untuck shirt, retuck sthirt, get back out of stall), get back into cart and drive back to main entrance, park cart, get thru doors and back into security console. I was so out of breath . Im just so tired in general. I want to go to bed and not wake up until my ankle is healed
This weekend was on of the worst that I have had in awhile. Friday I was down in the basement practicing turning around while skating. My left foot twisted and it ended up going inwards towards my other foot and I fell on top of it. Luckily Justins mom, Barbara, was home. I yelled for her and she ran downstairs and got my skates off and found a chair with wheels and I pushed my way to the stairs. I crawled up the stairs, thru the kitchen, thru the livingroom and down the hall to my bedroom. Barbara got me an icepack and set me up with my foot propped up on the bed. I called work and told them I wouldnt be able to come in the next day. I then waited for Justin to get out of work. I left him a text message around 6:15pm and he called me back by 6:30pm. He got home about 6:45pm and we went to the ER in Holyoke. I went in at 7pm and was out around 8:30/9pm after triage, the insurance lady, x-rays, doctor and getting a cast. I was lucky I wasnt there a lot longer. I only had one issue I was handed a care sheet and prescription for 5/500 Vicodin tablets. I had to request a note for work, which they wrote that I could return within a day. There was no way I could go back to work in a day! I already had crutches, I was using Justins sisters old ones. They let me go right from the examination room. I thought if you had an injury that made if difficult to move they at least escorted you to the door? I guess I was wrong. Walking with the crutches tires me out so quickly. I was ok but in a bit of pain for most of Saturday. I mostly played Untold Legends 2 on my PSP, I just got it last week from Gamefly. Quite a few times I just curled in a ball and cried. Jay and Chris came over Saturday night to hang out and watch Ultimate Fighter 3 and TNA with me and Justin. Chris bought us pizza. They cheered me up a bit by being goofy and playing with a reach gripper that Barbara lent me. Gypsy seemed to know that I was upset Saturday and curled up next to me on the bed for most of the day. I called in to work on Saturday for Sunday and told the kid that answered that I called my boss and left him a message saying that I can work but only at a sit down post like our personnel entrance. The kid took that as if he could find someone to switch spots with me on Sunday I could come in. * smacks forehead * They actually called me back to tell me that they got a guy in the truck gate to switch spots with me for Sunday. The truck gate! Where I would have to get up and go outside a lot to get plate #s and STAND at the window! Dumbass! I told him no and AGAIN told him what I said originally. Also the second shift people on Friday never told the third shift people that I had called out for Saturday morning. I got a call at 3:30am asking if I could come in early because someone was sick. * smacks forehead again * The lack of communication at work is ridiculous! I called my boss at 2pm on Saturday by 6pm on Sunday I still hadnt heard from him . Also by 6pm on Saturday I noticed that they amount of pain meds that they put me on wasnt helping a whole lot with the pain. I was still in a lot of pain. I called the hospital at 3:30am Sunday morning. They asked if I was taking my meds I said yes. They asked if I was keeping off my foot and keeping my foot/ankle propped up I said yes. They then told me that they could do nothing for me over the phone, that they could not call in a stronger medication, that my options were to either call the doctor I was recommended to (who wouldnt be in until Monday morning) or go back to the ER. I couldnt go back to the ER because Justin had to work at 5:45am Sunday morning. I finally woke Justin up and told him what was going on. He went and found Ibprophen (sp?) in the cabinet in the bathroom leftover from when he was hurt I took one. After crying all night from being in pain I finally fell asleep around 5am when Justin left for work. The Ibprophen is helping so I am taking that when my ankle gets painful. I slept all the way until 2pm. My ankle felt better. I finally called my boss around 6:30/7pm to ask what I should do. He had already called my co-worker that I would with Monday Wednesday and discussed me working with him and if he is ok with me just sitting in the security base while he goes on any calls we have. He did that but didnt call me back I shouldnt have had to call him, he should have called me. Whatever I found out today that he accepted a job and will be leaving in a couple of weeks. Sunday went alright, Gypsy stayed next to me all day again. I can tell that it is different than her usual pay attention to me pose because instead of being on my pillow she was curled up next to me. We had the place to ourselves for most of the weekend Barbara had a hiking date Saturday afternoon and then a dinner date that night. She then left us a note saying that she would not be home until Sunday hehe She seems happy, which is good. I met the guy on Saturday and he seems nice. She didnt get home until around 8pm on Sunday. Justin has been a huge help all weekend. He got me food and anything I needed. When I talked to my mom on Sunday night she said that she was happy to hear that it sounded like Justin was taking good care of me.

I am currently at work. I just called to make an appointment with the specialist that they gave me the number for to see within 3-7 days. She is completely booked. The only appointment they have this week is for Wednesday at 3pm with a different doctory. They didnt tell me who the appointment is with. They told me to go to the ER and get my x-rays and make sure I have my co-pay and insurance card on me. They didnt tell me where they were located. Somehow Im supposed to go to the ER on crutches and get my x-rays. I called Justin and he was all frustrated with the lack of info that they were telling me. I just told my boss and he said that whenever I have to leave on Wednesday to go to the doctor is fine, at least that went smoothly so far I just called back and requested their address and what doctor I am seeing because they didnt tell me. So frustrating
Its so beautiful outside it would be a perfect day to go skating