So it is now May, one more month and I've been working as security at Hasbro Toy factory for a year. I wonder if I will have a review. Let's see... I've been yelled at twice but neither of them have been my fault and it has been proven, I've worked crazy hours, done favors for my boss by staying for doubles or coming in when I really didn't need to, been told that he wants me to sign up for a supervisor training class and that I'm one of his strongest workers on the weekend. I think I'll be alright. This job is the one that I have done my best at. I've made my mistakes but everyone does, it's how you learn. I just wish that my boss would learn from his mistakes and realize that he can't take his frustration out on his workers. I can't wait for the day for that to blow up in his face. I'm forgiving but I know a few people that aren't and they will go straight to corporate and tell someone. But whatever... I've decided that I'm going to do my work and nothing extra unless I will get something out of it. Why should I if I'm not appreciated for it? I'm sick of giving respect to people that I thought deserved it and not getting any in return. No more. If you want me to respect you then you have to show respect to earn mine. I think I'd rather bury myself in Diablo 2 than deal with real people. I love that game! I am so addicted!
Right now I am a level 17 Barbarian and I'm gaining levels fairly quickly still. I explore every possible section of anything I can get into and destroy any creatures I see. I added the Expansion set: Diablo two Lord of Destruction onto the game. It's kinda handy to have Justin's knowledge of the game because he has already beat the game. The good thing is that he doesn't give me information unless I ask so he doesn't give anything away. For anyone that has played the game I am currently in the Dry Hills searching for the rest of the pieces of the Horadric Staff. I already got the Horadric Cube and had fun combining the jewel pieces. I need one more of each of the Topaz, Diamond, Amethst and chipped skull before I can make the upgrades of each. It made so much more room available in my Stash and also allows me to carry more items on me if I stick them in the cube. It's kinda sad on how addicted I am to this game. When I was playing it yesterday at work I almost forgot to eat, I only remembered when my stomach growled at me. I also can't wait to get home so I can play it.
In other news... My first Roller Derby practice is tomorrow night. I'm so going to fall on my ass a whole bunch! I'm borrowing a helmet and knee pads. Justin is buying me a mouth guard today and I already have wrist guards. The wrist guards I bought first because usually when I fall I stick my hands out. I really hope that I can pick up more of my gear this week. I am really excited and really nervous all at once. I'm afraid that it won't go well and all I can do is skate. I know it's going to be awhile before I can skate in a formation with the rest of the girls because I kinda need practice skating first. I can't wait... I ordered a set of outdoor wheels so I can practice outside. I'm hoping that I can get to the point that I will skate everywhere. I want to be able to skate to work at least twice a week, depending on the weather of course. I'm trying to get Justin to get a pair of rollerblades so that he can go skating with me. I really hope that going to practice helps me lose some weight. I really need to lose weight, I think I've lost a bit in the last couple of weeks tho. I feel a bit better.
[update from earlier]
I found out that my boss is going to be leaving. He has had a few job offers and he went for one job but was pretty much told that he wouldn't get it. He even told our client, Ed Sullivan, that he wasn't happy and that he wants to go elsewhere because he doesn't feel that he can go anywhere with where is he is now. I got home and go pounced by Justin. *grins* He bought me my mouth piece and I do the custom procedure (hot water then cold water then leaving it in my mouth for a minute to mold it to my teeth). I got further in Diablo 2. I am currently in the Valley of the Vipers. I am going after the Horadric headpiece, it is the piece that will complete the staff so that I can open the next section of the game.
and just to add... Justin has been talking to me off and on for the last hour... I know for a fact that he is not awake...

In other news... My first Roller Derby practice is tomorrow night. I'm so going to fall on my ass a whole bunch! I'm borrowing a helmet and knee pads. Justin is buying me a mouth guard today and I already have wrist guards. The wrist guards I bought first because usually when I fall I stick my hands out. I really hope that I can pick up more of my gear this week. I am really excited and really nervous all at once. I'm afraid that it won't go well and all I can do is skate. I know it's going to be awhile before I can skate in a formation with the rest of the girls because I kinda need practice skating first. I can't wait... I ordered a set of outdoor wheels so I can practice outside. I'm hoping that I can get to the point that I will skate everywhere. I want to be able to skate to work at least twice a week, depending on the weather of course. I'm trying to get Justin to get a pair of rollerblades so that he can go skating with me. I really hope that going to practice helps me lose some weight. I really need to lose weight, I think I've lost a bit in the last couple of weeks tho. I feel a bit better.
[update from earlier]
I found out that my boss is going to be leaving. He has had a few job offers and he went for one job but was pretty much told that he wouldn't get it. He even told our client, Ed Sullivan, that he wasn't happy and that he wants to go elsewhere because he doesn't feel that he can go anywhere with where is he is now. I got home and go pounced by Justin. *grins* He bought me my mouth piece and I do the custom procedure (hot water then cold water then leaving it in my mouth for a minute to mold it to my teeth). I got further in Diablo 2. I am currently in the Valley of the Vipers. I am going after the Horadric headpiece, it is the piece that will complete the staff so that I can open the next section of the game.
and just to add... Justin has been talking to me off and on for the last hour... I know for a fact that he is not awake...
You are in a roller derby? I remember watching those on television when I was a kid
Where are you practicing at?

Well, we aren't exactly sure what type of revenge but something to really piss him off would be optimal