I was going to put a happy post in here about how I got my rollerskates today and I tried them on
and even tho I haven't skated in at least 8 years I didn't fall. I went from wall to wall in the basement but I still didn't fall. I can't rollerskate outside right now because we just got a blizzard yesterday and have about two feet of snow but the area in my basement is fairly big to practice in.
Even this morning on the way to work I almost slipped on ice... well not really slipped more like I almost did a split in the driveway this morning. But I made it ok, I mean I've only slid on ice 3 times this year so far.
But this is why this isn't a happy post:
I was a bit grumpy so I went in my room... we have all the babygates up because Gabe is here. I went to go say sorry for being grumpy and offer to make Gabe dinner. I go to step over the babygate and my toes on my right foot catch the top of the gate and I fall forward right onto my right knee. Of course I was ok until Justin asked me if I was ok, then I started bawling. I then turned around and put the babygate (which is now bent because I have tripped over it at least 3 times within the last 6 months) back up. I then went in the bathroom and cried for about five minutes, cleaned up and went in the kitchen. I grabbed a soda and came back in here.
my foot is now swelling up a bit and I'm limping because my knee hurts. And now I probably won't be able to skate later because I tripped over the fucking babygate.
and even tho I haven't skated in at least 8 years I didn't fall. I went from wall to wall in the basement but I still didn't fall. I can't rollerskate outside right now because we just got a blizzard yesterday and have about two feet of snow but the area in my basement is fairly big to practice in.
Even this morning on the way to work I almost slipped on ice... well not really slipped more like I almost did a split in the driveway this morning. But I made it ok, I mean I've only slid on ice 3 times this year so far.
But this is why this isn't a happy post:
I was a bit grumpy so I went in my room... we have all the babygates up because Gabe is here. I went to go say sorry for being grumpy and offer to make Gabe dinner. I go to step over the babygate and my toes on my right foot catch the top of the gate and I fall forward right onto my right knee. Of course I was ok until Justin asked me if I was ok, then I started bawling. I then turned around and put the babygate (which is now bent because I have tripped over it at least 3 times within the last 6 months) back up. I then went in the bathroom and cried for about five minutes, cleaned up and went in the kitchen. I grabbed a soda and came back in here.
my foot is now swelling up a bit and I'm limping because my knee hurts. And now I probably won't be able to skate later because I tripped over the fucking babygate.