i just can't help it... and the way he plays the mandolin.... oh christ... i'm getting hot just thinking about it. mmm!
>>> so i think i'm going to get a marilyn piercing... i just got my tattoos touched up the other day and i'm ready to go back!!

so things are going back to "normal" now that the holidays are over... well besides the big new years hoopla... deal thing.. yeah... anywho... i'm just excited that i get to see
my wife on friday! we better find something fun to do.. i'm tired of having a shitty sober time on new years... i'm suppose to at least be drunk if it's going to be a shitty time!!!
//you know sg va kids... we really need to get together...i really want to actually see you guys face to face..i want to have a fun sg event that i can't actally get to!!! someone local.. plan.. uhm.. something... or.. i dunno!!!

how come i think of a million things to say when i'm not near the computer... and as soon as i sit down.. i'm like uh.. uhm...?? haha...
all i can remember is...
.i've been having some cool dreams lately... one even had bjork in it!
.i went to best buy and found an ani dvd that i didn't know about.. and almost shit myself with excitment in the aisle. yep
.v made an awesome present for me.. and if i had my camera.. i'd show you. hopefully my parents will bring it tomorrow when they come for a visit.
hope you guys are well and enjoy fun new years events if i don't talk to you before that!
Did you catch NC when they came here 2 years ago? It was amazing. I definitely yelled at Chris a lot, haha.