Thanks for the birthday wishes!
So I'm now 25, or a quarter century for those who really want me to freak out. So far my year is going pretty well.
I'm trying to figure out how I feel about this growing old thing...
Its definetly a time for re-evaluating my life. Aging seems to come with a certain amout of pressure, mostly, I think its's...
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Happy St. Patty's Day!

So the holidays are rapidly approaching, and I'm feeling some stress about it. I'm feeling stumped on many of my Christmas present shopping. My boyfirend is the hardest person to shop for. Its so hard to find something he wants that is a good gift that I can afford. As you may know I will be turning 25 soon and I'm not sure how I...
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happy birthday girly!!!!
happy birthday to you too biggrin
Well its been a while, but I'm finally back on SG. My credit card company screwed up and my membership got all messed up, but I'm back. I'm doing ok lately. I'm working for a fancy new salon in Scotts Valley and I've developed a reputaion as the color /color correction specialist, which makes me pretty happy. Now I just need to hope that everyone...
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YAY!! your back!
Update please. How are you two handling things so far? blush
So I kinda disappeared for a while, Ive been busy. And I'm antisocial sometimes...
Anyway, I repainted my bathroom the other day, which is kinda exciting. I'm worried that my boyfriend of 3 years is thinking of leaving me. He wants to move to San Jose, which makes sense because hes going to go to school there, but he isn't sure he wants me to...
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Shit that sucks about your boyfriend! Ihope everything gets better soon. If you ever need anything you know where I am!
Miki did it. yeah I know how it is with having to come up with the money...... It took me a year to finally get this worked on. anyway how are things? how is the salon treating you........hopefully better!
I am so sick of working lately. The salon is pissing me off. So I work for this guy who is opening a new salon, but it was supposed to open in June, now its looking more like September. We have a deal where, until the new place is open I get to work rent free for two days a week in exchange for writting...
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I'm sorry to hear that things aren't that great! that sucks about the new job. what an asshole. just know you are always welcome at Scissor Hands! I know how you feel about your clientle. i've been out of scool a little over two years and have the same problem. there are to many salons in santa cruz. And I don't think santa cruz does any good for anyone. theres too much drama and it's too fuck expensive. well i hope you have fun on your vacation. hopefully you'll feel better after it. oh by the way can you cut my hair into a cool mullet? just kidding
I'll be in Santa Cruz from this Wed. till the 5th. I'd love to meet you and your bo.
Things have been crazy lately. I've been working nights again. I think I worked 63 hours last week, and 50 something the week before. I'm looking forward to next sunday, its my day off. I'm crazy, but I'm saving up for my vacation. I'm going to Hawaii for two weeks with my boyfriend in July. I'm so excited. I hope its worth turning myself into...
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I finally got my computer working again.
I now have brown hair. Its ok. Im not used to it yet. I kinda miss my blues and purples and greens. I went shopping so I now have new clothes for work. Grown up looking clothes. I'm beat. Its time for bed. miao!!
You did it brown? thats cool. How does it look? How are things at your new job? hope you are doing well!~Casper Rose
So I have blue hair now, I like it, but I keep thinking I should do something more summery, any ideas for colors anyone? New pics soon, well, as soon as I find the wire that joins the camera to the computer...
I like how your hair is now!!!!
I wish you were still working with me then we could have a hanna hair day!hehe hope everything is going well!
HAHA The old lady mullet thing!!!! I had a art teacher that use to briad the long part and pin it up so you couldn't tell it was a mullet at first! haha It was rad! yes come by the opening party is this satureday @ six! it would be so awsome if you could come by! how are things at the new salon? hopefully your doing well! see you soon!
I don't want to go to work today
Im sitting here watching the minutes tick away before I have to leave and I just dont fuckin feel like it
I dont want to get dressed and i dont want to be peppy and friendly and sell stuff that i dont give a rats ass about.
its too nice of a day to get stuck at...
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You are too cute! We should hang out sometime! smile
I'm now doing hair again! I'm very excited. biggrin
If anyone needs their hair done, and you can come to Santa Cruz, I'm your girl, email me, hairbyhannah@yahoo.com or contact me here. If your looking for something so totally different or fun, bright colors and normal salons would look at you like your crazy, then definetly contact me, my specialty is creative cuts and colors, although...
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YAY! For YOU!!!!!
So how does one start to feel like a Suicide Girl?
They all have this I'm so hot, no one can fuck with me thing going and some how they totally get away with it, but how does one achieve that? Is it just a trick of the photographs? Are these girls shy and quiet in real life? How do you get to the place...
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bored beyond belief
Im sick, and I've been sick for way too long now
apart from still having to go to work, i haven't done anything lately
im kinda bummed cuz i applied for about 40 jobs and no one wants to hire me frown
i dont get it
i guess its good that no one wants to interview me right now cuz i can hardly...
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Dude! I know how you feel, people in santa cruz are lame! Thats why you should come work at the salon. It's looking awsome. you'll be amazed. I'll be there Sunday if you want to drop by. I would be cool to meet you. Hope things get better for you. ~Shay